Monday, August 31
09:00 - 10:30
Morning tutorials
10:30 - 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 - 12:15
Morning tutorials
12:15 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
Afternoon tutorials
15:30 - 15:45
Coffee break
15:45 - 17:15
Afternoon tutorials
Tuesday, September 1
08:30 - 09:30
Welcome address and awards ceremony
09:30 - 10:30
P1: Plenary 1: EURASIP Fellow inaugural lecture
Room: Clio/Thalie/Erato
10:30 - 10:50
Coffee break
10:50 - 12:30
AASP-P1: Music signal analysis, processing and synthesis
Phase reconstruction of spectrograms with linear unwrapping: application to audio signal restoration
Refining Fundamental Frequency Estimates using Time Warping
Affect Prediction in Music using Boosted Ensemble of Filters
Multi-Pitch Estimation and Tracking Using Bayesian Inference in Block Sparsity
A Low-Latency, Real-Time-Capable Singing Voice Detection Method with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
Sparse Chroma Estimation For Harmonic Non-Stationary Audio
An Adaptive Penalty Approach to Multi-Pitch Estimation
Pitch Estimation of Stereophonic Mixtures of Delay and Amplitude Panned Signals
Discovery of Repeated Vocal Patterns in Polyphonic Audio: a Case Study on Flamenco Music
IFS-P1: Information forensics and security 1
3D Video Watermarking Using DT-DWT To Resist Synthesis View Attack
A QR-code based audio watermarking technique for tracing traitors
Horizontal Pairwise Reversible Watermarking
Considerations on the Benchmarking of Media Forensics
On Packing Laser Scanning Microscopy Images by Reversible Watermarking: a Case Study
Digital Image Self-Recovery Using Unequal Error Protection
Eigen-Patch Iris Super-Resolution for Iris Recognition Improvement
ELPA: a new key agreement scheme based on linear prediction of ECG features for WBAN
Relay Selection for Optimized Cooperative Jamming Scheme
Managing Trust In Diffusion Adaptive Networks With Malicious Agents
IVP-L1: Video Coding and 3D processing
Block Prediction Using Approximate Template Matching
Integral images compression scheme based on view extraction
A Technique for Fake 3D (2D-to-3D Converted) Video Recognition
Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for HEVC using spatial just noticeable distortion
Perceptually-Friendly Rate Distortion Optimization in High Efficiency Video Coding
MLSP-P1: Pattern recognition and classification
Speaker Emotional State Classification by DPM Models with Annealed SMC Samplers
Deep neural networks for audio scene recognition
Design of optimal matrices for compressive sensing: application to environmental sounds
Shrinkage methods for one-class classification
Vector quantization with constrained likelihood for face recognition
Shape-Based Fish Recognition Via Shape Space
Parts-Based Shape Recognition Via Shape Geodesics
Exploiting Symmetry in Two-Dimensional Clustering-Based Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
Mapping dynamical states to structural classes for Boolean networks using a classification algorithm
Bootstrap-based SVM aggregation for class imbalance problems
Variational Gaussian Process for Sensor Fusion
SAM-L1: Navigation, radio localization and positioning
Online Path Loss Estimation for Localization Using Large Aperture Array Signal Processing
Optimal Sensor-Target Geometries for Doppler-Shift Target Localization
Efficient Cooperative Localization Algorithm in LOS/NLOS Environments
Bias Analysis of An Algebraic Solution for TDOA Localization with Sensor Location Errors
Selective Angle Measurements for a 3D-AOA Instrumental Variable TMA Algorithm
SPTM-L1: Signal processing over networks
Adaptive clustering for multitask diffusion networks
Environmental Field Estimation by Consensus Based Dynamic Sensor Networks and Underwater Gliders
Interpolation of graph signals using shift-invariant graph filters
Distributed Network Topology Reconstruction in Presence of Anonymous Nodes
Graph Linear Prediction Results in Smaller Error than Standard Linear Prediction
SS17: New directions in high-dimensional optimisation
Application of cyclic block generalized gradient projection methods to Poisson blind deconvolution
Maximum-a-posteriori estimation with unknown regularisation parameters
A parallel block-coordinate approach for primal-dual splitting with arbitrary random block selection
A primal-dual framework for mixtures of regularizers
SS7: Ad-hoc transducer arrays for speech and audio processing
Performance analysis of MVDR beamformer in WASN with sampling rate offsets and blind synchronization
Real-time Loudspeaker Distance Estimation with Stereo Audio
DoA-estimation based on a complex Watson kernel method
Distributed estimation of cross-correlation functions in ad-hoc microphone arrays
Relax and Unfold: Microphone Localization with Euclidean Distance Matrices
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 16:00
AASP-P2: Active noise control, echo reduction and feedback reduction
A PEM-Based Frequency-Domain Kalman Filter for Adaptive Feedback Cancellation
Robust algorithm for active feedback control of narrowband noise
On the estimation of time-delays for image sources method
Occlusion Reduction System for Hearing Aids with an Improved Transducer and an Associated Algorithm
Proportionate Algorithms for Two-Microphone Active Feedback Cancellation
Partial Update Even Mirror Fourier Non-linear Filters for Active Noise Control
Comparison of Multichannel Doubletalk Detectors for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
Multi-channel ANC System Using Optimized Reference Microphones Based on Time Difference of Arrival
Block-based distributed adaptive filter for active noise control in a collaborative network
SLP-P1: Speech processing
Noise-robust Voice Conversion Using A Small Parallel Data Based On Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Characterisation of tremor in normophonic voices
Bayesian learning for time-varying linear prediction of speech
Spectral Transition Measure for Detection of Obstruents
An Improved ADPCM Decoder by Adaptively Controlled Quantization Interval Centroids
Low Complexity Single Microphone Tonal Noise Reduction In Vehicular Traffic Environments
Acoustic modeling and parameter generation using relevance vector machines for speech synthesis
Do not build your TTS training corpus randomly
Breath and Repeat: An Attempt At Enhancing Speech-laugh Synthesis Quality
SPC-P1: Signal transmission and reception 1
Mobile Velocity and Direction of Movement Estimation in NLOS Multipath Environment
Partial Fractional Fourier Transform (PFrFT)-OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communication
MISO estimation of asynchronously mixed BPSK sources
Low-Sampling-Rate M-ary Multiple Access UWB Communications in Multipath Channels
Block expectation propagation equalization for ISI channels
On the design of an FBMC based air interface enabling channel adaptive pulse shaping per sub-band
Wideband High Dynamic Range Surveillance
SS1: Estimation and modeling of relative transfer functions between microphones in noisy environments
Sparse Reconstruction of Incomplete Relative Transfer Function: Discrete and Continuous Time Domain
Local Relative Transfer Function for Sound Source Localization
Relative transfer function estimation exploiting instantaneous signals and the signal subspace
Permutation-Free Clustering of Relative Transfer Function Features for Blind Source Separation
Analysis of the Performance and Limitations of ICA-Based Relative Impulse Response Identification
Towards a Generalization of Relative Transfer Functions to More Than One Source
SS2: Signal processing for healthcare: applications, challenges and opportunities
Opportunities and challenges for ultra low power signal processing in wearable healthcare
Exploring the epileptic network with parallel ICA of interictal EEG-fMRI
Assessment of Source Separation Techniques to Extract Vital Parameters from Videos
Using Oximetry Dynamics to Screen for Sleep Disordered Breathing at Varying Thresholds of Severity
Measurement of Cardiovascular State using Attractor Reconstruction Analysis
Energy Efficient Monitoring of ADLs using WASN in Clean and Noisy Conditions
SS3: Sparsity, sampling and compressed sensing
Structured sparsity through reweighting and application to diffusion MRI
Super-resolution of Positive Spikes by Toeplitz Low-rank Approximation
Hybrid sparse and low-rank time-frequency signal decomposition
Linear embeddings of low-dimensional subsets of a Hilbert space to R^m
Large scale 3D image reconstruction in optical interferometry
Fast Non-Negative Orthogonal Least Squares
SS4: Advanced computational methods for Bayesian signal processing
Split-Gaussian Particle Filter
Application of Sequential Quasi-Monte Carlo to autonomous positioning
Estimation of gene expression by a bank of particle filters
Interacting Parallel Markov Adaptive Importance Sampling
SS8.1: Advanced signal processing for radar applications
Extended GLRT Detectors for Correlation and Sphericity: the Undersampled Regime
Nonparametric Simultaneous Sparse Recovery: an Application to Source Localization
Performance bounds under misspecification model for MIMO Radar application
Bistatic Coherent MIMO Clutter Rank Analysis
Asymptotic Detection Performance of the Robust ANMF
Oversampled Receive Array Calibration
16:00 - 16:20
Coffee break
16:20 - 18:00
AASP-P3: Audio and speech processing
Acoustic context recognition on mobile devices using a reduced complexity SVM
Energy Efficient Telemonitoring of Wheezes
Quaternion Common Factor Decomposition of Head-Related Impulse Response
Re-Panning of Directional Signals and its Impact on Localization
Classification of bird song syllables using singular vectors of the multitaper spectrogram
Comparison of Two Methods for Detection of North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls
High Accuracy Frequency Analysis using Instantaneous Frequency Attractors
A robust speech/music discriminator for switched audio coding
Modelling Source Directivity in Room Impulse Response simulation for Spherical Microphone Arrays
Perceptual loudness compensation in interactive object-based audio coding systems
Envelope Modeling for Speech and Audio Processing Using Distribution Quantization
A Fast Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood-based Fundamental Frequency Estimation
IVP-P1: Image Processing 1
Particle filtering with a soft detection based near-optimal importance function for visual tracking
Fast Millimeter Wave Threat Detection Algorithm
Generalized Ricci Curvature Based Sampling and Reconstruction of Images
Scene-aware high dynamic range imaging
Benchmarking Superpixel Descriptors
Particle Volume Reconstruction based on a Marked Point Process and Application to Tomo-PIV
MISP-P1: Feature extraction and classification for medical and biomedical data
EEG Signal Classification in Non-Linear Framework with Filtered Training Data
Post-Reconstruction Deconvolution of PET Images by Total Generalized Variation Regularization
Abnormal-respiration detection by considering correlation of observation of adventitious sounds
Classification Of Normal And Pathological Infant Cries Using Bispectrum Features
A multifractal level set algorithm for segmenting human skin ultrasound images
Elbow Flexion And Extension Identification Using Surface Electromyography Signals
A novel feature selection in the case of brain PET image classification
A novel method with a deep network and directional edges for automatic detection of a fetal head
Automatic Lesion Segmentation for Melanoma Diagnostics in Macroscopic Images
NLSP-L1: Nonlinear signal processing
Modeling a class of multi-port nonlinearities in wave digital structures
Nonlinear filtered-x second-order adaptive Volterra filters for listening-room compensation
Equalization of nonlinear systems modeled using the Burgers equation
New results in nonlinear state estimation using extended unbiased FIR filtering
Least-square approximation of second-order nonlinear systems using quasi-perfect periodic sequences
SPTM-L2: Sparsity-aware processing
Universal Algorithm for Compressive Sampling
Greedy Pursuits Assisted Basis Pursuit for Compressive Sensing
New robust LASSO method based on ranks
Randomized Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
More efficient sparsity-inducing algorithms using inexact gradient
SS13: Complex audio scene analysis
Improving Event Detection for Audio Surveillance using Gabor Filterbank Features
HOG and Subband Power Distribution image features for acoustic scene classification
Feature Learning with Deep Scattering for Urban Sound Analysis
Automatic recognition of environmental sound events using all-pole group delay features
Spatial-Feature-Based Acoustic Scene Analysis Using Distributed Microphone Array
SS19: Recent advances and applications in hyperspectral imaging
Hyperspectral Applications in the Global Transportation Infrastructure
Multilinear spectral unmixing of hyperspectral multiangle images
'On The Fly' Dimensionality Reduction For Hyperspectral Image Acquisition
An analysis of collaborative representation schemes for the classification of hyperspectral images
New hierarchical joint classification method of SAR-optical multiresolution remote sensing data
SS27: COST IC1106 Special Session: Using biometrics for forensic investigations
From Biometric to Forensic Hashing: Challenges in Digital Crime Scene Trace Analysis
Can contact-free measurement of heartbeat signal be used in forensics?
Beyond the Eye of the Beholder: on a Forensic Descriptor of the Eye Region
Blind Biometric Source Sensor Recognition Using Advanced PRNU Fingerprints
Wednesday, September 2
09:00 - 10:00
P2: Plenary 2
Room: Clio/Thalie/Erato
10:00 - 10:20
Coffee break
10:20 - 12:00
AASP-L1: Audio and speech modeling, coding and transmission
Wideband Speech Coding with Hybrid Digital-Analog Transmission
Harmonic Model for MDCT based Audio Coding with LPC Envelope
Low-Complexity Semi-Parametric Joint-Stereo Audio Transform Coding
A quasi-orthogonal, invertible, and perceptually relevant time-frequency transform for audio coding
Comparison of Windowing Schemes for Speech Coding
IVP-P2: Image Processing 2
Hybrid Method for Multi-exposure Image Fusion based on Weighted Mean and Sparse Representation
A Perturbed Linear Mixing Model Accounting for Spectral Variability
Stereoscopic Video Description for Key-Frame Extraction In Movie Summarization
Bayes Classification for Asynchronous Event-Based Cameras
A Comparison of Thermal Image Descriptors for Face Analysis
Sketchprint: Physical object micro-structure identification using mobile phones
SAM-L2: Beamforming and space-time adaptive processing
MVDR Broadband Beamforming Using Polynomial Matrix Techniques
Multiple Shift Second Order Sequential Best Rotation Algorithm for Polynomial Matrix EVD
Row-Shift Corrected Truncation of Paraunitary Matrices for PEVD Algorithms
Robust Adaptive Beamforming Based on Low-Rank and Cross-Correlation Techniques
An Adaptively Focusing Measurement Design for Compressed Sensing Based DOA Estimation
SLP-L1: Speech enhancement
Corpus Based Reconstruction of Speech Degraded by Wind Noise
Dialogue Enhancement of Stereo Sound
Noise Robust Exemplar Matching with Coupled Dictionaries for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement
Restoration of instantaneous amplitude and phase of speech signal in noisy reverberant environments
Robustness improvement of ultrasound-based sensor systems for speech communication
SPC-P2: MIMO and multi-user MIMO communications and signal processing
Distributive Estimation of Frequency Selective Channels for Massive MIMO Systems
Likelihood-based Blind Separation Of QAM Signal In Time-varying Dual-polarized Channels
Bit loading in MIMO-PLC systems with the presence of interference
Analog Joint Source Channel Coding for MIMO Broadcast Channels
Optimized MIMO symbol mapping to improve the turbo cliff region of iterative precoded MIMO detection
Multiple Stage Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Near-Optimal Large-MIMO Detection
Fixed-point Arithmetic Detectors for Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems
SPTM-P1: Signal and system modeling
Exact fast smoothing in switching models with application to stochastic Volatility
Legendre Ramanujan Sums Transform
A blind source separation method for chemical sensor arrays based on a second order mixing model
Taylor-Fourier series analysis for fractional order systems
The Flexible Signature Dictionary
Statistical efficiency of structured CPD estimation applied to Wiener-Hammerstein modeling
Estimation of the nonlinearity degree for polynomial autoregressive processes with RJMCMC
Derivative-augmented features as a dynamic model for time-series
Analysis of the Harmonics Contribution on the Three-Point Interpolated DFT Frequency Estimator
Errors-In-Variables Identification of Noisy Moving Average Models
Metropolis-Hastings Improved Particle Smoother and Marginalized Models
MIMO Systems Outage Capacity based on Minors Moments of Wishart Matrices
Representation of signals by local symmetry decomposition
Parameter estimation of Gaussian Functions using the Scaled Reassigned Spectrogram
Two-Sided Diagonalization of Order-Three Tensors
Classifying Autoregressive Models Using Dissimilarity Measures: A Comparative Study
SS21: Recent advances in multifractal analysis and applications
Bayesian estimation of the multifractality parameter for images via a closed-form Whittle likelihood
crossing-tree partition functions
Analysis and simulations of multifractal random walks
Effectiveness of multiscale fractal dimension for improvement of frame classification rate
SS29: Algorithms for distributed coordination and learning
Distributed Clustering Algorithms in Group-Based Ad Hoc Networks
On Channel Selection for Energy-Constrained Rateless-Coded D2D Communications
Power Modulation: Application to Inter-Cell Interference Coordination
Overhead-Aware Distributed CSI Selection in the MIMO Interference Channel
A Computationally Efficient Implementation of Fictitious Play in a Distributed Setting
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
P3: Plenary 3
Room: Clio/Thalie/Erato
14:30 - 16:10
AASP-P4: Audio and speech source separation and enhancement
Binaural coherent-to-diffuse-ratio estimation for dereverberation using an ITD model
High-frequency tonal components restoration in low-bitrate audio coding
Bayesian Suppression of Memoryless Nonlinear Audio Distortion
An Extended Reverberation Decay Tail Metric as a Measure of Perceived Late Reverberation
A Linearization System for Parametric Array Loudspeakers Using the Parallel Cascade Volterra Filter
A Generalized Method for the Derivation of Non-Linear State-Space Models from Circuit Schematics
Multichannel Online Speech Dereverberation under Noisy Environments
Recognize and separate approach for speech denoising using nonnegative matrix factorization
A Source Separation Evaluation Method in Object-Based Spatial Audio
Using enhanced F0-trajectories for Multiple Speaker Detection in Audio Monitoring Scenarios
Separation matrix optimization using associative memory model for blind source separation
DISP-L1: Design and implementation of signal processing systems 1
Coexistence of and VDSL in FTTdp and FTTC Deployments
Step-adaptive Approximate Least Squares
Pipelined design of an instantaneous frequency estimation-based time-frequency optimal filter
Fixed-Point implementation of Lattice Wave Digital Filter: comparison and error analysis
Minimized Roundoff Noise and Pole Sensitivity Subject to l_2-Scaling Constraints for IIR Filters
IVP-L2: Human body analysis in images and videos
Unsupervised Feature Selection Method For Improved Human Gait Recognition
Rejection-based classification for action recognition using a spatio-temporal dictionary
Lidar-based Gait Analysis in People Tracking and 4D Visualization
Hands, Face and Joints for Multi-modal Human-Action Temporal Segmentation and Recognition
The 2D Factor Analysis and its application to face recognition with a single sample per person
SAM-P1: Applications of sensor array and multichannel signal processing
3D sound field analysis using circular higher-order microphone array
Adaptive RF Stealth Beamforming For Frequency Diverse Array Radar
Robust adaptive method for speech signal waveform estimation using microphone array
Carrier Frequency and Direction of arrival Estimation with Nested Sub-Nyquist Sensor Array Receiver
A revisit of the unique polar representation of the vector-valued hyperanalytic signal
Distributed Multichannel Adaptive Filtering
Online Estimation of Wind Turbine Blade Deflection with UWB Signals
Generalized Targets Detection and Counting in Dense Wireless Sensors Networks
Applications of large empirical spatio-temporal covariance matrix in multipath channels detection
Improvement of robustness to change of positive elements in boolean compressive sensing
TDE Sign Based Homing Algorithm for Sound Source Tracking Using a Y-shaped Microphone Array
Fast Implementation of Iterative Adaptive Approach for Wideband Unambiguous Radar Detection
SPC-L1: Cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access
Compensating Power Amplifier Distortion In Cognitive Radio System With Adaptive IMM
Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Opportunistic Beamforming with Quantized Feedback
Low-Feedback Cooperative Opportunistic Transmission for Dynamic Licensed Shared Access
An Enhanced Spectrum Sensing Algorithm with Maximum Ratio Combination of Spectral Correlation
An Efficient Policy for D2D Communications and Energy Harvesting in Cognitive Radios: Go Bayesian!
SS24: Sequential Monte Carlo methods for tracking in dynamical systems
The Ensemble Kalman Filter and Its Relations to Other Nonlinear Filters
Parallelization of sequential Monte Carlo methods using particle islands: the BASIL algorithm
Particle filtering for Bayesian parameter estimation in a high dimensional state space model
Sequential Monte Carlo sampling for systems with fractional Gaussian processes
A sequential Monte Carlo approximation of the HISP filter
SS30: Acoustic scene analysis using microphone array
Speaker Localization and Separation using Incremental Distributed Expectation-Maximization
Relaxation of Rank-1 Spatial Constraint in Overdetermined Blind Source Separation
Features for speaker localization in multichannel bilateral hearing aids
Multi-room speech activity detection using a distributed microphone network in domestic environments
A Directional Noise Suppressor with a Constant Beamwidth for Multichannel Signal Enhancement
16:10 - 16:30
Coffee break
16:30 - 18:10
AASP-L2: Music information retrieval and music language processing
Drum transcription using partially fixed nonnegative matrix factorization
Timbral modeling for music artist recognition using i-vectors
Keyword spotting in singing with duration-modeled HMMs
Music Boundary Detection Using Neural Networks on Spectrograms and Self-Similarity Lag Matrices
Polyphonic Pitch Detection by Matching Spectral and Autocorrelation Peaks
MLSP-L1: Source separation
Towards zero-configuration condition monitoring based on dictionary learning
Fast Jacobi Algorithm for Non-Orthogonal Joint Diagonalization of Non-Symmetric Third-Order Tensors
A fast algorithm for joint eigenvalue decomposition of real matrices
Canonical polyadic tensor decomposition in the presence of non Gaussian noise
Variational Blind Source Separation Toolbox and its Application to Hyperspectral Image Data
SAM-P2: DOA estimation, beamforming, array calibration, and multi-channel processing
Fine landmark-based synchronization of ad-hoc microphone arrays
Array Calibration using Array Response Interpolation and Parametric Modeling
Design of a sparse planar array for optimized 3D medical ultrasound imaging
MUSIC-like Processing of Pulsed Continuous Wave Signals in Active Sonar Experiments
Dual-Function Radar-Communications Using Phase-Rotational Invariance
ISAR image formation with a combined Empirical Mode Decomposition and Time Frequency Representation
Multi-Group Multicast Beamforming For Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Joint Optimization of Transmit and Relay Beamformer for Single Group Multicast Transmission
Sparse Support Recovery For DOA Estimation In The Presence Of Mutual Coupling
Antenna array design for MUSIC in the presence of spatially distributed sources
Wide-band source localization based on spatio-temporal structure of data
New insights into time synchronization of MIMO systems with interference
Distributed signal subspace estimation based on local generalized eigenvector matrix inversion
Timing Mismatch Compensation in TI-ADCs Using Bayesian Approach
Channel Shortening Equalizer for Enhancing Passive UHF RFID Performance
SLP-P2: Speech recognition and language processing
MT-based Artificial Hypothesis Generation for Unsupervised Discriminative Language Modeling
Unsupervised approach to extract summary keywords in meeting domain
feature extraction using pre-trained convolutive bottleneck nets for dysarthric speech recognition
Evaluation of PNCC and extended spectral subtraction methods for robust speech recognition
A Useful Feature-engineering Approach for a LVCSR system based on CD-DNN-HMM Algorithm
Arabic speaker emotion classification using rhythm metrics and neural networks
SPC-P3: Signal processing for communications
Non-Binary LDPC Coded OFDM in Impulsive Power Line Channels
An Algorithm for Cross-layer Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Cellular Networks
Power Allocation for Maximizing Energy Efficiency of Mixed RF/VLC Wireless Networks
A Kernel Based Technique for MSER Equalisation for non-linear channels
Unequal Error Protection in Rate Adaptive Spectrum Management for Digital Subscriber Line Systems
Relay subset selection in cognitive networks with imperfect CSI and individual power constraints
Soft-Feedback OMP for the Recovery of Discrete-Valued Sparse Signals
Throughput and energy optimization of a Cooperative ARQ scheme using Analog Network Coding
SPTM-L3: Non-stationary signals and time-varying systems
Online estimation of a time-varying delay based on a univariate cross-ambiguity function analysis
Parameter Estimation of Harmonic Linear Chirps
Asymptotic Normality of Cyclic Autocorrelation Estimate with Estimated Cycle Frequency
Time-Frequency Ridge Analysis Based on the Reassignment Vector
Kernel Estimation For Time-Frequency Distributions Using Epigraph Set of L1-Norm
SS16: Methodologies for signal processing on graphs
Toward An Uncertainty Principle For Weighted Graphs
Enhanced Lasso Recovery on Graph
On the degrees of freedom of signals on graphs
Oversampled Bipartite Graphs with Controlled Redundancy
Stationary Graph Signals using an Isometric Graph Translation
SS28: Visual attention modelling: a move from generic bottom-up models to models integrating more top-down and multimodal information for specific applications
Video saliency based on rarity prediction: HYPERAPTOR
A CBIR-based evaluation framework for Visual attention models
An efficient audiovisual saliency model to predict eye positions when looking at conversations
How task difficulty Influences eye movements when exploring natural scene images
A learning-based visual saliency fusion model for high dynamic range video (LBVS-HDR)
Thursday, September 3
09:00 - 10:00
P4: Plenary 4
Room: Clio/Thalie/Erato
10:00 - 10:20
Coffee break
10:20 - 12:00
3MT: EUSIPCO 2015 Three minute thesis contest
sign language recognition and translation
Signal Processing over Multi-task Networks
Tensor-Based Blind System Identification with Focus on Big Data
Generalized EEG Classification Framework
Classification of compressed audio signals via compressive sensing in a tele-monitoring context
Automatic detection and measurement of fetal nuchal translucency from 3D ultrasound data
Structured Representation of Networked Data
modeling accents for automatic speech recognition
Graph-based and sparse variational analysis of biological networks
Next Generation Multibeam Satellite Systems
AASP-L3: Acoustic sensor array processing
A methodology for Estimating the Radiation Pattern of a violin during the Performance
Addressing the data-association problem for multiple sound source localization using DOA estimates
3D Localization of multiple sound sources with intensity vector estimates in single source zones
Energy-vs-Performance trade-offs in speech enhancement in wireless acoustic sensor networks
Distributed acoustic SLAM
DISP-P1: Design and implementation of signal processing systems 2
Channel-Aware Energy Optimization of OFDM Receivers Using Dynamic Precision Scaling in FPGAs
A High Performance FPGA-GPU-CPU Platform for a Real-Time Locating System
Speeding up execution time of a smart wheelchair command technique using parallel computing
Estimating The HEVC Decoding Energy Using High-Level Video Features
GNU Radio Based Digital Beamforming System: BER and Computational Performance Analysis
Vectorization of binaural sound virtualization on the ARM cortex-A15 architecture
A predictive function optimization algorithm for multi-spectral skin lesion assessment
IVP-P3: Image Processing 3
Temporal Error Concealment for Fisheye Video Sequences Based on Equisolid Re-Projection
Human vision model including age dependencies
p-th Power Total Variation Regularization in Photon-Limited Imaging via Iterative Reweighting
Piecewise parameterised Markov random fields for semi-local Hurst estimation
Parametric Elliptically-Shaped Zero-Phase 2D IIR Filter Design
Road Network Extraction by a Higher-Order CRF Model Built on Centerline Cliques
SIPA-L1: Astronomy and Remote Sensing
A Blind Deblurring and Image Decomposition Approach for Astronomical Image Restoration
Semi-blind separation of galaxy spectra from a mixture obtained by slitless spectroscopy
Compressed Sensing and Radio Interferometry
Band selection in RKHS for fast nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images
Unmixing Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images Accounting for Endmember Variability
SLP-L2: Speech recognition
Query by Example Search with Segmented Dynamic Time Warping for Non-Exact Spoken Queries
Combining NdHMM and Phonetic Feature Detection for Speech Recognition
Word embeddings combination and neural networks for robustness in ASR error detection
Hybrid input spaces for exemplar-based noise robust speech recognition using coupled dictionaries
Adaptive Noise Dictionary Design for Noise Robust Exemplar Matching of Speech
SPTM-P2: Sparsity-aware processing
Online Bayesian group sparse parameter estimation using a Generalized Inverse Gaussian Markov chain
Group Sparse LMS for Multiple System Identification
Adaptive Cyclic and Randomized Coordinate Descent for the Sparse Total Least Squares Problem
An iterative hard thresholding algorithm with improved convergence for low-rank tensor recovery
On Quantized Compressed Sensing with Saturated Measurements via Greedy Pursuit
Sparse Signal Recovery Using A Bernoulli Generalized Gaussian Prior
Detection of time-varying support via rank evolution approach for effective joint sparse recovery
Spectral Estimation in Highly Transient Data
A Novel Line Search Method for Nonsmooth Optimization Problems
Compressed Sensing for unit selection based Speech Synthesis
Distributed Blind Sparse Channel Identification in Sensor Networks
An Unified Approach for Blind Source Separation Using Sparsity and Decorrelation
Dictionary-decomposition-based One-class SVM for Unsupervised Detection of Anomalous Time Series
Inverse Problems with Time-Frequency Dictionaries and Non-White Gaussian Noise
Improved AMP (IAMP) for Non-Ideal Measurement Matrices
Compressive Imaging with Complex Wavelet Transform and Turbo AMP Reconstruction
SS8.2: Advanced signal processing for radar applications
Joint Inverse Covariances Estimation with Mutual Linear Structure
Moving Target Localization Using Distributed Dual-Frequency Radars and Sparse Reconstruction
Maximum Likelihood and Robust G-MUSIC Performance in K-Distributed Noise
An Efficient Two-step Procedure for Compressed Sensing 3D MIMO Radar
Matching pursuit via Continuous resolution cell rejection in presence of unresolved radar targets
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
P5: Plenary 5
Room: Clio/Thalie/Erato
14:30 - 16:10
EDU-P1: Signal and image processing for education
The SAS project: Speech Signal Processing in High School Education
What can industrial partnerships bring to projects to teach signal and image processing?
Fire-Control RADAR Model Laboratory Work
IVP-P4: Image Processing 4
Gamma curve determination for each individual pixel on high-resolution flat panel display
Model-based Superpixel Segmentation of SAR Images
Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model for Spatial-Spectral Classification Of Hyperspectral Images
Fuzzy Selecting Local Region Level Set Algorithm
PMMW Image Super Resolution from Compressed Sensing Observations
Image Regularization with Higher-Order Morphological Gradients
Shot Aggregating Strategy for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
An efficient statistical-based retrieval approach for JPEG2000 compressed images
high resolution depth image recovery algorithm using grayscale image
Combining Single-Image and Multiview Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Image Plus Depth Data
Super-Resolution Using Multiple Structured Dictionaries Based on the Gradient Operator
An Online Background Subtraction Algorithm Using a Contiguously Weighted Linear Regression Model
clustering-based fast intra prediction mode algorithm for hevc
MISP-L1: Medical Image and Signal Processing
Transform Learning MRI with Global Wavelet Regularization
Sleep stage classification using sparse rational decomposition of single channel EEG records
Performance Bounds Analysis in Multichannel Diffusion-MRI
Symmetrical EEG-fMRI Imaging by Sparse Regularization
MEM-diffusion MRI framework to solve MEEG inverse problem
SAM-L3: Blind source separation and channel identification
Non-Unitary Joint Zero-Block Diagonalization of Matrices Using a Conjugate Gradient Algorithm
Coalitional Games for a Distributed Signal Enhancement Application
A novel deterministic method for large-scale blind source separation
Room Impulse Response Estimation by Iterative Weighted l1-norm
Matrix Factorization for bilinear blind source separation: methods, separability and conditioning
SIPA-P1: Signal and Image Processing applications
Topic Detection and Compressed Classification in Twitter
Emergence of Core-Periphery Structure from Local Node Dominance in Social Networks
Constraint Kalman Filter for Indoor Bluetooth Localization
Inference of wired network topology using multipoint reflectometry
Alternate multibit embedding method for reversible watermarking
Generalization of GLRT-Based Magnetic Anomaly Detection
An improved variational mode decomposition method for internal waves separation
Classification of rainfall radar images using the scattering transform
Association of array processing and statistical modelling for seismic event monitoring
Estimation of the Battery State of Charge: a Switching Markov State-Space Model
Cooperative Game-Theoretic Approach to Load Balancing in Smart Grids with Community Energy Storage
Modeling and estimation of transient current signals
SPTM-L4: Detection, estimation
A generalization of the fixed point estimate
DPM-Based Bayesian Nonparametric Method For Markov Switching Process Estimation
Error control for the detection of rare and weak signatures in massive data
Bayesian Track-Before-Detect for Closely Spaced Targets
A Nonparametric Cusum Scheme Based On Sequential Ranks And Adaptive Control Limits
SS23: Self-sustainable networks: energy harvesting and wireless energy transfer
Optimal Multiuser Scheduling Schemes for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
SWIPT through eigen-decomposition of MIMO channels
Cooperative Non-orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G System with SWIPT
SS25: Signal processing for musical acoustics
An unsupervised approach to the semantic description of the sound quality of violins
Improving piano note tracking by HMM smoothing
Aliasing Reduction in Soft-Clipping Algorithms
Parallel Digital Signal Processing for Efficient Piano Synthesis
Alternate level clustering for drum transcription
16:10 - 16:30
Coffee break
16:30 - 18:10
AASP-L4: Audio and speech source separation
Enforcing consistency in spectral masks using Markov random fields
A Structured nonnegative matrix factorization for source separation
A multi-sensor approach for real-time detection and classification of impact sounds
Unified approach for audio source separation with multichannel factorial HMM and DOA mixture model
An evaluation of stereo speech enhancement methods for different audio-visual scenarios
IFS-L1: Information forensics and security 2
Attack detectors for data aggregation in clustered sensor networks
On the Security of a Double-Scroll Based "True" Random Bit Generator
SIFT match removal and keypoint preservation through dominant orientation shift
An SVD Approach to Forensic Image Resampling Detection
Forensic and anti-forensic analysis of indoor/outdoor classifiers based on acoustic clues
SLP-P3: Speaker recognition and characterisation
Dynamic Speech Emotion Recognition with State-Space Models
Speaker diarization through speaker embeddings
Improved Binary Key Speaker Diarization System
Dealing with additive noise in speaker recognition systems based on i-vector approach
S-Vector: A Discriminative Representation Derived From i-Vector For Speaker Verification
A Discriminative Approach for speaker Selection in Speaker De-identification Systems
Phone adaptive training for short-duration speaker verification
Feature Classification By Means Of Deep Belief Networks For Speaker Recognition
Adaptive and online speaker diarization for meeting data
SPC-L2: Signal transmission and reception 2
Design of PR oversampled DFT transmultiplexers with minimal dimension
DFE/THP duality for FBMC with Highly Frequency Selective Channels
Robust Multiuser Binary CPM Detection with Unkown modulation index
Double Relay Communication Protocol for Bandwidth Management in Cellular Systems
Faster than Nyquist-An enabler for achieving maximum spectral efficiency in coexistence scenarios?
SPTM-P3: Detection, estimation, reconstruction
Weak signal detection based on two dimensional stochastic resonance
Cooperative Simultaneous Localization and Tracking for Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor Networks
Decentralized Reconstruction from Compressive Random Projections Driven by Principal Components
Scale invariant divergences for signal and image reconstruction
Wavelet based unsupervised variational Bayesian image reconstruction approach
Sampling FRI Signals with the SoS Kernel: Bounds and Optimal Kernel
Improving state estimates over finite data using optimal FIR filtering with embedded unbiasedness
Periodic ARMA models: Application to particulate matter concentrations
Distributed Rao-Blackwellized Point Mass Filter for Blind Equalization in Receiver Networks
Adaptive Approximate Filtering of State-Space Models
Cyclostationarity-based detection and identification of binary offset carrier -modulated signals
Iterative Windowed Parameter Estimation of Multiple Superimposed Damped Exponentials in Noise
Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Asymmetric Power Distributions
Bayesian Multi-Target Tracking with Superpositional Measurements using Labeled Random Finite Sets
Composite Real Principal Component Analysis of Complex Signals
Cramér-Rao Bounds for Particle Size Distribution Estimation from Multiangle Dynamic Light Scattering
SS11: Bio-inspired and perceptual data processing
Video analysis and synthesis based on a retinal-inspired frame
Sparse Coding Of Natural Images Using A Prior On Edge Co-Occurences
Exploring discrete approaches to lossy compression schemes for natural image patches
Decoding MT motion response for optical flow estimation: an experimental evaluation
Periodic components estimation in chronobiological time series via a Bayesian approach
SS14: Fault detection, diagnosis and prognosis: New trends for system monitoring
Phasor estimation using Conditional Maximum Likelihood: strengths and limitations
Effects Of Compressed Sensing on Classification of Bearing Faults with Entropic Features
Sensitivity Analysis Of The Sequential Test For Detecting Cyber-Physical Attacks
Analytical Model of the KL Divergence for Gamma Distributed Data: Application to Fault Estimation
A Novel Algorithm for the Estimation of the Parameters of a Real Sinusoid in Noise
Friday, September 4
08:40 - 10:20
AASP-P5: Acoustic sensor array processing and audio for multimedia
Robust and Reliable Audio Watermarking Based on Dynamic Phase Coding and Error Control Coding
Development and assessment of a localization algorithm implemented in binaural hearing aids
Blind Sampling Rate Offset Estimation Based on Coherence Drift in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks
Sound classification in indoor environment thanks to belief functions
Multi-modal Service Operation Estimation Using DNN-based Acoustic Bag-of-features
Direction of Arrival Estimation using Pseudo-Intensity Vectors with Direct-Path Dominance Test
Acoustic Direction Finding In Highly Reverberant Environment With Single Acoustic Vector Sensor
Daily Activity Recognition Based on DNN Using Environmental Sound and Acceleration Signals
Audio Salient Event Detection and Summarization using Audio and Text Modalities
IVP-L3: Image enhancement
Evaluation of denoising algorithms applied to the reduction of speckle in digital holography
L2 Registration for Colour Transfer
Non Local Means Image Denoising using Noise-Adaptive SSIM
An adaptive perception-based image preprocessing method
Multiscale Guided Deblurring: Chromatic Aberration Correction in Color and Near-infrared Imaging
MLSP-P2: Machine learning for signal processing
Class-Specific Model Mixtures for the Classification of Time-Series
Multiple Metric Learning for Large Margin kNN classification of time series
A simple sequential outlier detection with several residuals
A Bayesian Approach for Extreme Learning Machine-based Subspace Learning
Bayesian Learning for Robust Principal Component Analysis
Gossip Algorithms for Principal Component Analysis in Networks
Complex kernels for proper complex-valued signals: a review
Operator-valued Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm
Online nonnegative matrix factorization based on kernel machines
SIPA-P2: Design and implementation
A modular Framework for efficient Sound Recognition using a Smartphone
Principle and Implementation of Vector-based PMU Algorithm using Delay Devices
A robust student's-t distribution PHD filter with OCSVM updating for multiple human tracking
MotionMachine: A New Framework For Motion Capture Signal Feature Prototyping
SIPA-P3: Medical and Bio-inspired processing
Graph Inference enhancement with clustering: application to Gene Regulatory Network reconstruction
Improving Sensor Noise Analysis for CT-Scanner Identification
Feasibility Analysis and Adaptive Thresholding for Mobile Applications Controlled by EEG Signals
Unitary Transform-Based Template Protection and Its Properties
Combined classification and regression for simultaneous and proportional EMG control of wrist forces
Plant Electrical Activity Analysis for Ozone Pollution Critical Level Detection
SS15: Massive and cloud-based virtual MIMO: alternative, complementary or merging wireless network technologies?
Distributed Massive MIMO in Cellular Networks: Impact of Imperfect Hardware & Number of Oscillators
Base Station Cluster Patterns For Semi-Static Multi-Cell Cooperation In Irregular Network Topologies
Multi-dimensional Continuous Phase Modulation in uplink of MIMO systems
MIMO and Massive MIMO - Analysis for a Local Area Scenario
Performance Comparison of Data-Sharing and Compression Strategies for Cloud Radio Access Networks
SS18: Processing of reverberant speech and audio signals
Speech dereverberation by data-dependent beamforming with signal pre-whitening
Data-Driven Statistical Modelling of Room Impulse Responses in the Power Domain
Fast sound field reproduction in box-shaped rooms: rigid walls case
Noise robust blind system identification algorithms based on a Rayleigh quotient cost function
Late Reverberant Spectral Variance Estimation Using Acoustic Channel Equalization
SS5.1: Nonlinear signal processing - a celebration in honour of Giovanni L. Sicuranza on his 75th birthday
Gradient-Based Approaches to Learn Tensor Products
Class-specific nonlinear subspace learning based on optimized class representation
Does diversity improve deep learning?
The Class of Generalized Hampel Filters
Parallelization of Non-Linear & Non-Gaussian Bayesian State Estimators (Particle Filters)
SS9: Advances in matrix-tensor decomposition and subspace learning
Online Sketching for Big Data Subspace Learning
FAµST: speeding up linear transforms for tractable inverse problems
Efficient Algorithms for 'Universally' Constrained Matrix and Tensor Factorization
Online Bayesian Low-Rank Subspace Learning from Partial Observations
Distributed Robust Subspace Tracking
10:20 - 10:40
Coffee break
10:40 - 12:20
AASP-L5: Modeling, analysis and synthesis of acoustic environments
Continuous measurement of impulse responses on a circle using a uniformly moving microphone
Room impulse response estimation using perfect sequences for Legendre nonlinear filters
Audio Phrases for Audio Event Recognition
Multi-label vs. Combined Single-label Sound Event Detection With Deep Neural Networks
Optimization of Amplitude Modulation Features for Low-Resource Acoustic Scene Classification
MISP-P2: Biomedical Signal and Image Analysis
Robust real-time PPG-based heart rate monitoring
Estimation of the difference between peak airway and tracheal pressures during HFPV
Automated Scoring of Rehabilitative Tests with Singular Spectrum Analysis
A Tensor Decomposition Approach to Noninvasive Atrial Activity Extraction in Atrial Fibrillation ECG
Empirical Mode Decomposition for Noninvasive Atrial Fibrillation Dominant Frequency Estimation
Adaptive Identification of Oscillatory Bands from Subcortical Neural Data
Ultrasonic fatty liver imaging
Cortical Network Modulation during Paced Arm Movements
A Multilevel Memory-Assisted Lossless Compression algorithm for Medical Images
Design of a New High-Energy Concentration Kernel Quadratic TFD for EEG Spike Signal
SAM-L4: Direction-of-arrival estimation
On the Effect of Random Snapshot Timing Jitter on the Covariance Matrix for JADE Estimation
Marked Poisson Point Process PHD filter for DOA tracking
Decentralized Cooperative DOA Tracking using non-Hermitian generalized eigendecomposition
Partially Adaptive Transmit Beamforming for Search Free 2D DOA Estimation in MIMO Radar
SIPA-L2: Bio imaging and Signal Processing
Automatic Cattle Location Tracking Using Image Processing
Skeletonization of 3D Plant Point Cloud Using a Voxel Based Thinning Algorithm
Chromatographic signal processing for PAH in methanol solution
CARMA: A Robust Motion Artifact Reduction Algorithm for Heart Rate Monitoring from PPG Signals
Feature selection based on weighted distance minimization, application to biodegradation evaluation
SPTM-P4: Non-stationary signals and time-varying systems
On signals denoising by emd in the frequency domain
An efficient k-SCA based underdetermined channel identification algorithm for online applications
Signal Processing in the Windowed DFT Domain
A New Method for Heart Rate Monitoring During Physical Exercise Using Photoplethysmographic Signals
Multistage generalized adaptive notch filter with improved accuracy
Instantaneous Frequency Estimation for a Sinusoidal Signal Combining DESA-2 and Notch Filter
Stability of Adaptive Filters with Linearly Interfering Update Errors
Implementation method of Kernel Adaptive Filter as an Add-on for a Linear Adaptive Filter
On the Convergence, Steady-State, and Tracking Analysis of the SRLMMN Algorithm
Decentralized Clustering Over Adaptive Networks
Event-triggered real-time metering in smart grids
Adaptive linear prediction filters based on maximum a posteriori estimation
Approximate Bayesian Filtering using Stabilized Forgetting
Normalized Recursive Least Adaptive Threshold Nonlinear Errors Algorithm
SS12: Robust EEG signal processing towards practical brain-computer
Averaging covariance matrices for EEG signal classification based on the CSP: an empirical study
Operationalization of Conceptual Imagery for BCIs
An Ocular Artefacts Correction Method for Discriminative EEG Analysis based on Logistic Regression
Parallel Convolutional-Linear Neural Network for Motor Imagery Classification
Tackling noise, artifacts and nonstationarity in BCI with robust divergences
SS22: Satellite communications in 5G networks
Coding and modulation techniques for high spectral efficiency transmission in 5G and Satcom
Robust Multibeam Satellite Systems For Underlay Licensed Shared Access
The Role of Satellites in 5G
Spectrum awareness techniques for 5G Satellite Communications
12:20 - 13:50
13:50 - 15:50
SS10: Bayesian non-parametrics for signal and image processing
A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach for Blind Multiuser Channel Estimation
Scalable Bayesian Nonparametric Dictionary Learning
Nonparametric Bayesian Matrix Factorization for Assortative Networks
Numerical approximations for speeding up MCMC inference in the infinite relational model
On Generative Models for Sequential Formation of Clusters
SS20: Recent advances in biomedical signal and image processing
Ultrasound Compressive Deconvolution with Lp-Norm Prior
The role of the image phase in cardiac strain imaging
RJMCMC-based Tracking of Vesicles in Fluorescence Time-Lapse Microscopy
Compressive Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction with Denoising Message Passing Algorithms
Semi-Blind Joint Super-resolution/Segmentation of 3D Trabecular Bone Images by a TV BOX approach
SS26: Sparse arrays and coprime sampling
Properties of Ramanujan filter banks
Spark under 2-D Fourier Sampling
On the Robustness of Co-prime Sampling
DOA Estimation with Co-prime Arrays in the Presence of Mutual Coupling
Wideband DOA Estimation for Uniform Linear Arrays Based on the Co-Array Concept
Angular Information Resolution from Co-prime Arrays in Radar
SS5.2: Nonlinear signal and image processing - a celebration in honour of Giovanni L. Sicuranza on his 75th birthday
Signal Processing Challenges from Audio-Video Coding to Telecommunication: A Living Piece of History
Single Image Super-resolution via BM3D Sparse Coding
Hyperspectral Imaging for Food Applications
An Overview of Robust Compressive Sensing of Sparse Signals in Impulsive Noise
Virtual Unrolling using X-Ray Computed Tomography
A Nonlinear Architecture Involving a Combination of Proportionate Functional Link Adaptive Filters
15:50 - 16:30
SS5.2 (cont.): Nonlinear signal and image processing - a celebration in honour of Giovanni L. Sicuranza on his 75th birthday
Robust Regression in RKHS - An overview
Power control, coding and spectrum sensing optimization in cognitive transmission