EUSIPCO 2015 Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge the kind support of the following sponsors.
Image and Signal Processing in Mathematica
The Wolfram Language is an ideal tool for data, signal, and image processing. It provides a wide range of technologies to connect to data sources and greatly facilitates the import and export of data. The language features dedicated containers — such as EventSeries, TimeSeries, Sound, Image, and Image3D — to host the datasets and powerful functions for data-specific processing, statistic, stochastic, analysis, recognition, and visualization. This workshop will feature a long list of signal and image processing highlights as we climb the data-dimensionality ladder implementing captivating application examples in the Wolfram Language.
Dr. Markus van Almsick
For over twenty years, Dr. Markus van Almsick has been a consultant for Wolfram Research, maker of Mathematica, Wolfram Alpha, Wolfram System Modeler and Wolfram Cloud. He studied theoretical physics at the Technische Universität in Munich and at the University of Illinois, as well as biomedical image analysis at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. For the last six year he has been helping to extend the scope of Mathematica in image and signal processing.
Workshop Dates (running twice):
Tuesday 1st September 2015 16:20 à 18:00
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 10:20 à 12:00
Galliéni 5 Room, Acropolis, Palais Des Congres et des Expositions, Nice.
To attend the event, please contact alex [at] wolfram [dot] com (Alex Upellini)